

Stakeholder Engagement

PTI releases annual reports on the corporate governance, economic aspects, environmental aspects, social aspects, and other subjects. ESG Report is also published annually with clear disclose of ESG-related information. These topics are communicated to the stakeholders transparently, timely, and completely through the use of the company website, PTI ESG fan page, and other social media communication platforms.

Stakeholder Identification

PTI's Sustainability Management Office has formed the "Sustainable Development Task Force" with personnel from relevant departments, including finance, procurement, occupational safety, plant engineering, human resources, quality control, sales and research and development to review and identify six categories of stakeholder groups, which are shareholders/investors, employees, customers, suppliers/contractors, government agencies, and communities, based on all groups or individuals that may be affected by our operations or be concerned about the company's sustainable development performance, with reference to the five major principles of the AA1000SES Stakeholder Engagement Standard.

Stakeholder Communication

PTI uses different means of communication and mechanisms to interact with stakeholders, as well as use other means to understand and appropriately respond to issues that concern stakeholders. We also create diversified social media communication platforms to communicate with stakeholders.

Stakeholders Importance Issues of Concern Means of Communication Communication Frequency
The support of our shareholders and investors is a steady source of capital for PTI and the driving force behind the Company’s continuous improvement of sustainable governance.
  1. Economic Performance
  2. Business Integrity
  3. Occupational Safety and Health
  4. Employee Communication
  5. Employee Recruiting and Retention
  1. Shareholder meetings
  2. Public financial reports
  3. Investor conferences
  4. Spokesperson and investor relations department
  5. Company website
  1. Annual
  2. Quarterly
  3. Quarterly
  4. As needed
  5. As needed
Employees are the most important asset of PTI. We create a friendly work environment and care about our employees, enabling them to unleash their full potential and grow together with the Company.
  1. Occupational Safety and Health
  2. Employee Communication
  3. Human Rightsn
  4. Compensation and Benefits
  5. Employee Recruiting and Retention
  6. Career Development
  1. Employee welfare committee
  2. Electronic platforms and company announcements
  3. Policy improvement proposals
  4. Labor-management meetings
  5. Employee mailbox
  6. Occupational safety and health (OSH) committee
  7. Employee counseling
  8. PTI Journal
  9. Employee opinion surveys
  1. Quarterly
  2. As needed
  3. As needed
  4. Quarterly
  5. Permanent
  6. Quarterly
  7. As needed
  8. Quarterly
  9. Monthly sampling
PTI pays close attention to customers’ needs and continues innovation to provide high-quality services, help clients meet targets, and achieve mutual growth.
  1. Customer Relations
  2. Business Integrity
  3. Occupational Safety and Health
  4. Human Rights
  5. Compensation and Benefits
  6. Employee Recruiting and Retention
  1. Business meetings
  2. Customer satisfaction survey
  3. Customer complaint system
  4. Customer audit
  1. As needed
  2. Annually
  3. As needed
  4. As needed
Suppliers and contractors are PTI’s most important partners for production and services. We continue to enhance and intensify partnerships to attain sustainable management models.
  1. Business Integrity
  2. Technology and Service
  3. Sustainable Supply Chain
  4. Regulatory Compliance
  5. Occupational Safety and Health Human Rights Economic Performance Customer Relations
  1. Supplier/contractor meetings
  2. Supplier assessment
  3. Supplier/contractor audit
  4. Supplier/contractor forum
  1. As needed
  2. Quarterly
  3. Annually
  4. Annually
Government Agencies
PTI complies with government regulations and vigorously cooperates with policy implementation, where collaboration and interaction with the government are achieved through transparent communication.
  1. Corporate Governance
  2. Risk Management
  3. Protection of Intellectual Property
  4. Regulatory Compliance
  5. Occupational Safety and Health
  6. Employee Communication
  7. Human Rights
  8. Compensation and Benefits
  1. Official letters and emails
  2. Advocacy meetings and hearings by the authorities
  3. Issuing official letters
  1. As needed
  2. As needed
  3. As needed
PTI interacts with various communities to understand their needs and actively integrate resources to continuously give back to society to the best of our ability, thereby enhancing our positive influence on society.
  1. Climate Change
  2. Water Management
  3. Green Products
  4. Employee Communication
  5. Career Development
  6. Social Engagement
  1. Company website
  2. Contact person from the plant engineering department
  3. Courses and visits
  1. As needed
  2. As needed
  3. As needed