Inclusive Workplace
Human Rights Protection
Human Rights Management
The 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights marked an important milestone in conceptualization of human rights and also an important bridge for PTI to connect with the world in human rights regulations and to help spread and implement human rights internationally. Each employee attends the corporate social responsibility program as part of the orientation for new hires that helps them understand clearly their own rights and also policies and measures taken by the Company in fulfilling its social responsibilities. Internally, the Company declares clearly the protection of human rights of employees. Employees are not treated unfairly because of their ethnicity, religion, skin color, nationality, and gender. Related requirements are specified in the Employee Handbook, Code of Conduct at Work, and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Control Guidelines, among other internal documents and regulations. Externally, we also create diversified smooth communication channels so that stakeholders in respective fields may effectively communicate their ideas and opinions.
Legal Employments
PTI, as a leader in global semi-conductor packaging and testing service, promises that it will provide a safe workplace where employees are respected and integral and sustainable management is ensured. In order to realize a compliant and friendly workplace and follow the regulations of the International Labor Organization, PTI strictly prohibits hiring of child workers not meeting the minimum employment age required by law. In order to ensure absence of negligence, hiring of employees requires presentation of the National ID to the Company for verification purpose. Recruitment and employment have to be legal as required by the competent authority and laws and regulations.
Performances of PTI's Human Rights Indicators
Status of Implementation: 2023 PTI Human Rights Due Diligence in Practice
Number of discriminatory disputes
Freedom of Association
"Operations identified with material risks of violating the freedom of association and collective bargaining"
No Child Labor
Operations identified with material risks of child labor disputes and measures that help prevent child labor
No Forced Labor
Operations identified with material risks of forced or compulsory labor disputes and measures that help prevent forced or compulsory labor